The logistics operator and the NWAs of Chile and Peru entered the pact
n the spirit of incorporating new visions, contribute by creating new projects and working together towards a more inclusive and diverse logistics industry -in an effort to break away from its traditional masculine identity- Maersk Chile and Maersk Peru entered a cooperation agreement with the National WISTA Associations of Chile and Peru, which was officially launched during an online ceremony on Friday October 15, an event MundoMaritimo attended exclusively.
Cooperation with a goal
The agreement aims to “establish coordination, cooperation and mutual interinstitutional support relations between the parties, allowing for articulating and uniting efforts through the implementation of programs, projects and activities that will be developed and ruled through specific agreements,” details the document the entities signed and to which MundoMaritimo had exclusive access.
The lines of action that the agreement will focus on are “the unification of efforts towards education, training and, positioning of women in the maritime, port, international trade and logistics areas; the exchange of experiences, information and results of investigations and/or programs developed by any of the parties, related to the positioning of women in the areas previously described; the development of joint investigations that the parties agree to achieve the strengthening and positioning of women in the maritime, port, international trade and logistics sectors; and others that the parties may determine as mutual interest through the specific agreements,” as reads the document.
Working together
“We support diversity beyond gender inclusion, and we believe it is important that in forums and meetings there should always be an equal presence of men and women. There is great value in having diverse teams for decision making,” says Francisco Ulloa, Managing Director Area West Coast of South America at Maersk, highlighting the importance to go beyond female inclusion and rather orient diversity towards achieving a balanced presence of both genders, adding different visions that help having a broader perspective when it comes to decision making.
Alejandra Canales, President WISTA Chile added to the launch ceremony by underlining the collaborative focus of the agreement that looks for an integrative work between men and women. “We don’t want to make a feminist statement, but rather work together between men and women and become a reference of collaboration in the logistics industry,” she says. On her part, Kathya Castillo, President WISTA Peru pointed out the importance of “raising awareness on gender equality and a diverse and inclusive culture, and these instances of cooperation are perfect to take that step, set the precedent and be the example.”